
Showing posts from September 22, 2019

From the Nose of Our Kayak Chapter 3: Monkeys...Really?

From the Nose of Our Kayak  Don & Janet Beasley Chapter 3 Monkeys...Really? Silver River's beauty never leaves you wanting, but this particular outing left us go back time and time again! We began to realize, you never know what you're going to see on the shoreline, beneath the water, on the water, in the woods, high in the trees, or even higher in the sky. View of Silver River in mid October 2009 from the nose of our kayak The deer drag had worked like a charm and we had portaged to the launch area in no time. We excitedly launched the kayak at Silver River State Park for the second time. We knew we had 2-1/2 miles to paddle up river before we could coast back down on the river's gentle current to the launch area. At the time, 2-1/2 miles paddling up stream was quite the undertaking for us beginners.  We cleared the markers and were deep within nature in seconds. Ahhhhh...peace and serenity at last. Before we could even get to the first...