
Showing posts from January 19, 2020

From the Nose of Our Kayak Chapter 17: Goosed in a Kayak!

From the Nose of Our Kayak Don & Janet Beasley Chapter 17: "Goosed in a Kayak!" Ready to launch onto Waiskai Bay photo by Janet Beasley You know those rare, awesome moments when you happen to be in the right place at the right time to experience nature at its best? That's what this chapter is all about.  While vacationing in Michigan's U.P. we "set sail" on Waiskai Bay in Brimley, Michigan one evening and found ourselves in the midst of an evening roost! Only this wasn't a roost we paddled into but rather a roost that flew into us! Let's start with some educational goodies first. Waiskai Bay is a small back bay that is nestled off of Lake Superior. It reaches from Bay Mills Point to the Waiskai River. Canada is in plain sight from the southern half of Waiskai Bay, and the ginormous lake freighters sail the channel between Canada and Bay Mills either heading toward the open water of Lake Superior, or toward the Soo Locks, in Sault Ste....