
Showing posts from December 1, 2019

From the Nose of Our Kayak Chapter 13: Dreams

From the Nose of Our Kayak Don & Janet Beasley Chapter 13: Dreams This week Don and I invite you to dream with us, to dream about the places you'd love to experience from the nose of  your  kayak. But be forewarned...once you start dreaming, it's hard to stop!  The sky's the limit when it comes to adventure. Now days, Don and I prefer kayaking the smooth calm waters rather than white water. In our younger years we did a bit of white water rafting and thoroughly enjoyed it. If we would have taken up kayaking in our 20's we would probably have been Eskimo rolling our way down big white water, sailing through class 5+ rapids, going over falls, and spending our days in wet suits while camping and feasting on s'mores. But just because we are approaching retirement age, and like to take life a bit easier these days, that doesn't mean we don't like to dream. Below is a selection of some of our favorite kayaking videos we enjoy watching and dreaming about the pl...