From the Nose of Our Kayak Chapter 13: Dreams
From the Nose of Our Kayak
Don & Janet Beasley
Chapter 13: Dreams
This week Don and I invite you to dream with us, to dream about the places you'd love to experience from the nose of your kayak. But be forewarned...once you start dreaming, it's hard to stop!
The sky's the limit when it comes to adventure. Now days, Don and I prefer kayaking the smooth calm waters rather than white water. In our younger years we did a bit of white water rafting and thoroughly enjoyed it. If we would have taken up kayaking in our 20's we would probably have been Eskimo rolling our way down big white water, sailing through class 5+ rapids, going over falls, and spending our days in wet suits while camping and feasting on s'mores.
But just because we are approaching retirement age, and like to take life a bit easier these days, that doesn't mean we don't like to dream. Below is a selection of some of our favorite kayaking videos we enjoy watching and dreaming about the places we would love to kayak.
Some of our dreams are to kayak with the whales, navigate through the Apostle Islands of Wisconsin, kayak around the entire perimeter of Lake Superior (in the summer...on calm days only...with no may never happen! LOL!), discover New Zealand's and Ireland's shores, and the biggest dream that could ever come true for us both would be to see and photograph a guessed it...From the Nose of Our Kayak. What are your kayaking dreams?
Kayak Tip of the Week: Dare to your level of adventure...and introduce someone you know to the wonderful world of kayaking.
Don & Janet Beasley
Chapter 13: Dreams
This week Don and I invite you to dream with us, to dream about the places you'd love to experience from the nose of your kayak. But be forewarned...once you start dreaming, it's hard to stop!
The sky's the limit when it comes to adventure. Now days, Don and I prefer kayaking the smooth calm waters rather than white water. In our younger years we did a bit of white water rafting and thoroughly enjoyed it. If we would have taken up kayaking in our 20's we would probably have been Eskimo rolling our way down big white water, sailing through class 5+ rapids, going over falls, and spending our days in wet suits while camping and feasting on s'mores.
But just because we are approaching retirement age, and like to take life a bit easier these days, that doesn't mean we don't like to dream. Below is a selection of some of our favorite kayaking videos we enjoy watching and dreaming about the places we would love to kayak.
Some of our dreams are to kayak with the whales, navigate through the Apostle Islands of Wisconsin, kayak around the entire perimeter of Lake Superior (in the summer...on calm days only...with no may never happen! LOL!), discover New Zealand's and Ireland's shores, and the biggest dream that could ever come true for us both would be to see and photograph a guessed it...From the Nose of Our Kayak. What are your kayaking dreams?
Kayak Tip of the Week: Dare to your level of adventure...and introduce someone you know to the wonderful world of kayaking.
Welcome to the Kayaking Freaks blog, "From the Nose of Our Kayak:" authors/photographers Don & Janet Beasley.
Hi, I'm Janet Beasley. My husband Don and I love to kayak. Don and I most enjoy kayaking the crystal clear, spring-fed rivers of Florida (weather permitting - it's Florida, we take lightning seriously), as well as other areas on our days off. Exploring nature and the outdoors has become an extreme passion for us.
When we're not on the water I am busy writing fiction, painting, creating BeaslePunk Steampunk Art, and serving as a KidMin Music Leader and Entertainer; I am the creator (and face) behind the children's ministry character, Lady Violet Adventures. Don on the other hand works in the entertainment industry as an audio visual specialist and planner at one of our local theme parks here in Orlando, Florida. When we're not on the water he's busy creating BeaslePunk Steampunk Art, serving as an audio visual minister at FUMC Tavares, Florida (our home church), and playing ping pong.
When we're not on the water I am busy writing fiction, painting, creating BeaslePunk Steampunk Art, and serving as a KidMin Music Leader and Entertainer; I am the creator (and face) behind the children's ministry character, Lady Violet Adventures. Don on the other hand works in the entertainment industry as an audio visual specialist and planner at one of our local theme parks here in Orlando, Florida. When we're not on the water he's busy creating BeaslePunk Steampunk Art, serving as an audio visual minister at FUMC Tavares, Florida (our home church), and playing ping pong.
We have always longed to co-author a book together about our kayaking adventures. We're happy to say that Don and I are eager to begin sharing our years of kayaking experiences with you, so that you too may discover a world filled with surprises, beauty, history, and peace right along with us From the Nose of Our Kayak.
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